Saturday 11 January 2014

Oyster Stance

This is one of the final outcomes.

This is the final outcome for one of the posters. 

The Concept - Tantalise the viewer with the idea behind the poster, the message to go beyond the written word, classy, exciting, for the niche market and simplicity & minimalism is key.

I've used a stock photograph which shows not only an oyster but someone gleefully eating it. 

The reason I ,chose the oyster for this poster is because the oyster is widely considered to be an aphrodisiac and this aspect of it says ' fun, excitement & more to look forward to'.
Oysters are now an expensive delicacy for a niche market and I felt that this took care of the festival being about fine food.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Cheese Label Poster

Following on from my cheese label sketches, I set out to design a label for the cheese.